Cloud vs Traditional Hosting for Mobile Apps and Enterprise Software Platforms

Cloud vs Traditional Hosting for Mobile Apps and Enterprise Software Platforms

When building an enterprise mobile app or software platform, it’s easy to focus on features and functionality. But what happens when the development phase is over? You’ll need to decide on precisely where to host the data that comprises your newly-built platform.

Hosting isn’t just for websites; you need to host your mobile app, web-based apps and web-based software interfaces. There are two basic options for hosting your mobile app: traditional hosting and cloud-based hosting. So which is best for your needs?

What is Cloud Computing? - Definition and Advantages of the Cloud

What is Cloud Computing? – Definition and Advantages of the Cloud

Cloud computing is especially advantageous for this sort of business, as the need to run these forecasting models will rise and fall depending upon the time of year and the unique weather patterns that happen to play out. So instead of paying to maintain a massive and very pricey on-site data center that’s capable of supporting the weather forecasting agency’s peak demand, the agency can leverage cloud resources that scale to meet the organization’s current needs. This results in tremendous agility and significant savings, since you’re paying for actual resource usage instead of paying for resources that you may or may not utilize in a given timeframe.

How to Develop a Cloud Migration Strategy for Your Business

How to Develop a Cloud Migration Strategy for Your Business

A data lake can prove to be an essential component of your company’s data management strategy. As a secure, well-organized data storage repository, data lakes will collect and store your company’s information for years to come. But many business leaders are unfamiliar with the data lake creation steps and process, which makes them uncertain of what to expect.

Cloud Migration Benefits: Why 2020 is the Year You Should Migrate to the Cloud

Cloud Migration Benefits: Why 2020 Should Be the Year Your Business Moves to the Cloud

A data lake can prove to be an essential component of your company’s data management strategy. As a secure, well-organized data storage repository, data lakes will collect and store your company’s information for years to come. But many business leaders are unfamiliar with the data lake creation steps and process, which makes them uncertain of what to expect.