WatsonX- Machine Learning and AI Development Services
OpenAI ChatGPT - Machine Learning and AI Development Services
Gemini - Machine Learning and AI Development Services
nVIDIA - Machine Learning and AI Development Services
Hugging Face - Machine Learning and AI Development Services
Anthropic - Machine Learning and AI Development Services

Embrace the Future of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development Services Dallas by 7T

Artificial intelligence technology now has a role in virtually all industries and all areas of business. Machine learning-driven AI is changing the way that innovative companies do business. Our team of machine learning and AI development experts is dedicated to understanding your unique business needs and crafting custom AI and machine learning solutions that seamlessly align with your existing processes and workflows.

Our world-class team of artificial intelligence developers can also implement commercially-available AI tools such as ChatGPT, IBM’s Watsonx.aI or countless others that can be tailored to your business, your operations and your business strategy. Whether you are a startup, SMB, or large enterprise, 7T’s machine learning and AI development services can be scaled to meet your demands.

How Are 7T AI Implementations Changing Markets?

How Are 7T AI Implementations Transforming Business?

1. Digital Labor

Empower your team to make better decisions and deliver faster outcomes with AI and process automation.

3. Application Modernization

Achieve application modernization as our developers build and modernize composable, API-based and event-driven applications.

5. Client Experiences

Transform your client experience with AI by creating events and interactions that are memorable and engaging, all while accelerating buying cycles and driving retention.

2. IT Automation

Achieve new levels of efficiency and profitability with the intelligent automation of your most essential systems and processes.

4. Security

Leverage artificial intelligence to securely to dramatically expand visibility while simultaneously accelerating response times.

How Are 7T AI Implementations Transforming Business?

1. Digital Labor

Empower your team to make better decisions and deliver faster outcomes with AI and process automation.

2. IT Automation

Achieve new levels of efficiency and profitability with the intelligent automation of your most essential systems and processes.

3. Application Modernization

Achieve application modernization as our developers build and modernize composable, API-based and event-driven applications.

4. Security

Leverage artificial intelligence to securely to dramatically expand visibility while simultaneously accelerating response times.

5. Client Experiences

Transform your client experience with AI by creating events and interactions that are memorable and engaging, all while accelerating buying cycles and driving retention.

7T's Approach to AI Development

Empowering Your Business with Machine Learning and AI Development Services

Discovery - Business First

Company & Business Overview

  • Value Proposition
  • Customers, Products/Services
  • Financial Model

Pains and Gains

  • Identify Accelerators
  • Process Mapping w/Obstacles
  • Efficiency Opportunities

Define Stakeholders

  • Internal and External
  • Goals and Expectations
  • Roles, Responsibilities, KPIs

Framing the AI Objective

  • Identify data sources
  • Discuss data quantity, quality, and depth
  • Outline expected outcomes

Innovate – Technology Follows!

Requirements Gathering

  • Create User Stories to drive,
  • Epics to drive,
  • Business Requirement Document (BRD)

AI Architecture

  • Define current vs NexGen
  • Data strategy and integration points
  • AI simulation to Business Processes

AI Strategy

  • Integration of AI COTS tools
  • Custom AI/ML Development
  • Hybrid Approach

User Experience

  • Quantitively define AI Success
  • Design UI Prototype
  • User Group Testing

Implement – Agile AI Development!

Data Preparation

  • Identify and Capture entire Data ecosystem
  • Preprocessing – cleanse, transform, normalize
  • Split Data – Training, Validation, Test sets


  • Select algorithm (e.g., Regression, Classification, Cluster)
  • Build – Implement model libraries (e.g., scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Evaluate Model –  Accuracy, Precision, F1-score, Regression to mean
  • Iterate and Refine

Model Integration

  • Applications
  • Websites
  • Large-scale system implementations



Launch – User Introduction!

Deployment Phase 0

  • Trusted associates and clients for Beta test

Deployment Phase 1

  • Larger client population with controls 

Deployment Production

  • Full scale market launch

Evolve – Continuous Improvement!

Monitor and Maintain

Retrain and Update Model as needed

Analytics and Support

Discover the Power of 7T's Customized Machine Learning and AI Deployments

At 7T, we’re more than just another AI implementation company. We’re your strategic partner in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence as you strive to revolutionize your business.

Our unique approach begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your business operations, challenges, and opportunities. Once we have a deep understanding of your business strategy and your business objectives, we’re well-positioned to develop customized machine learning models and AI solutions that will drive productivity and generate a robust ROI.

We’re not just a vendor; we’re your strategic partner on your Digital Transformation journey. Your input and feedback shape the development process, ensuring that the final AI solution aligns perfectly with your organization’s vision.

7T Machine Learning and AI Expertise

By leveraging these areas of expertise, 7T delivers truly transformative machine learning and AI solutions to our clients.

Multimodal Learning Expertise


Advanced Algorithm Design


Cross-Platform Development


Computer Vision Proficiency


Data Management & Processing


Large Language Model (LLM)


Natural Language Processing (NLP)


ML Ops & Auto-retrain Systems


Data Labelling


Dynamic Learning Models


AI Ethics & Responsible AI


Active Learning

7T Commercial AI Tool Implementations

The incredible growth of AI COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf Software) over the last 18-months provides a wealth of opportunities to accelerate companies revenue and increase efficiencies across an organization when implemented as part of a well-planned Digital Transformation project.

7T follows a core philosophy of “Digital Transformation Driven by Business Strategy” for all AI COTS deployments. By fully understanding our client’s business requirements and goals, we are well-positioned to leverage the appropriate AI tools to meet the client’s needs.

The accompanying infographic depicts the breadth of COTS AI tools that are in the market today. 7T is available to deploy solutions with these AI tools (and many others), helping our clients to improve processes, increase productivity and drive profits.

7T AI Client Successes

7T’s clients span the gamut, from large enterprises, to SMBs and startups. Our Client Successes include machine learning and AI case studies for clients in a variety of different industries and business spaces.

featured insights

let's begin your digital transformation

7T (also known as SevenTablets) is a Dallas Digital Transformation company, specializing in AI, machine learning and the development of cutting-edge business solutions. Beyond multimodal machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) development, we also specialize in enterprise software development, mobile app development, web app platforms, process automation, cloud solutions and DevOps, amongst others. We go beyond the role of a typical third-party service provider, taking on the role of a true business partner. 7T takes a "business first" approach to Digital Transformation, with business strategy guiding the development process. ROI is our currency as we solve hard problems with innovative Digital Transformations like machine learning-driven AI development solutions that propel clients to the next level.

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