consumer-facing B2C digital transformation projects to boost ROI

A B2C consumer-facing mobile app, SaaS platform, web app portal or other consumer-targeted Digital Transformation project can be transformative for a business, generating a solid revenue stream and engaging customers, clients, patients and others like never before. Consumer SaaS platforms and apps stand apart from enterprise counterparts since they are exclusively designed for use by the public.

Companies may opt to leverage these B2C Digital Transformation projects as a primary revenue source such as a mobile app that’s sold in the app stores. In these cases, the app is the primary “product.” Others may release their public-facing mobile app, web portal or SaaS platform free of charge as a complement to their service offerings, such as in the case of a medical clinic that develops a telehealth and appointment booking mobile app or web app.

7T has developed B2C consumer apps for a variety of clients, ranging from a handyman app and clothes fitting mobile app, to a sports betting platform and a financial planning mobile application and SaaS platform.

If you’re ready to develop a B2C consumer-facing SaaS platform, mobile app, web app or other Digital Transformation project, contact 7T by email (alternatively, see the form below) or call 214-299-5100.

Custom Software Development Services by 7T Dallas Digital Transformation as a Service Developers


A B2C mobile app represents one of the most popular consumer-facing Digital Transformation projects, with the apps generating revenue from in-app or app store purchases. Alternatively, the application may be offered free of charge, serving as a complement to an existing product or service.

Custom Software Development Services by 7T Dallas Digital Transformation as a Service Developers


Web apps are an effective option for engaging customers, clients and patients, amongst others. These highly-accessible web application portals are ideal for account management, collaboration and meetings, messaging, e-commerce and a range of different industry-specific functionalities and features.

Custom Software Development Services by 7T Dallas Digital Transformation as a Service Developers


Software-as-a-service platforms make for an engaging B2C software solution. These consumer-facing Digital Transformations can complement existing service offerings, allowing companies to engage customers more effectively with a variety of functionalities and features.

Custom Software Development Services by 7T Dallas Digital Transformation as a Service Developers


A B2C consumer mobile app may not meet all of a client’s needs, so in these cases, 7T will develop a bespoke solution. Your imagination is the only limit for features and functionalities. Clients can also combine multiple platforms, such as a mobile app and a web app, to achieve their goals and engage consumers.

engaging B2C digital transformations to boost ROI

7T has developed a broad array of innovative Digital Transformation solutions for clients seeking consumer mobile apps, SaaS platforms and web portals, with functionalities and tools to generate revenue and engage customers, clients and patients. The best B2C Digital Transformation projects may include some of the following features and functionalities.

  • Account management
  • Collaboration tools
  • e-Commerce platforms
  • Third-party integrations
  • Service-related portals
  • Appointment management
  • Document access and management

Many organizations implement third-party integrations into their consumer-facing mobile app, web app or SaaS interface. This enables you to pull data into the platform, improving overall usefulness.

7T’s Digital Transformation developers perform a comprehensive discovery process for each and every consumer mobile app, SaaS platform or web application. This entails on-site visits, the creation of a requirements document, analysis of any pain points or challenges, and an evaluation of the client’s goals and business strategy.  This business strategy-driven approach leads to the development of dynamic, engaging B2C mobile apps, SaaS platforms, web apps and other technologies that generate a sizable ROI.

a client success with a consumer-facing mobile app


Rebel Athletic

7T developed a consumer-facing mobile app for Rebel Athletic, a cheerleading uniform manufacturer that was using fit kits to determine sizing. Rebel Athletic’s Digital Transformation took the form of a clothing fitting mobile app that captures your measurements with remarkable accuracy and precision. This innovative B2C solution is a great example of a consumer-facing mobile app that improved user experience and generated a strong ROI for the client. Rebel Athletic saw reduced costs and overhead, while simultaneously improving the fit of its uniforms, increasing accuracy and upping the overall quality of their cheerleader uniforms and garments.

The Rebel Athletic Mobile App is Used to Measure for Garments - By Dallas Mobile App Developers 7T

let's begin your digital transformation

7T (also known as SevenTablets) is a Dallas Digital Transformation company, specializing in AI, machine learning and the development of cutting-edge business solutions. Beyond multimodal machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) development, we also specialize in enterprise software development, mobile app development, web app platforms, process automation, cloud solutions and DevOps, amongst others. We go beyond the role of a typical third-party service provider, taking on the role of a true business partner. 7T takes a "business first" approach to Digital Transformation, with business strategy guiding the development process. ROI is our currency as we solve hard problems with innovative Digital Transformations like machine learning-driven AI development solutions that propel clients to the next level.

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