HaloMD - Email Processing Automation with AI by 7T Artificial Intelligence Development Company Dallas

AI-Powered Process Automation for Emails - HaloMD Ancillary Insurance Claims Arbitration Services for Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons

an AI-powered workflow automation platform to
process ancillary healthcare insurance arbitration

HaloMD approached 7T seeking help with a significant business challenge: they were receiving upwards of 40,000 to 60,000 emails per month as part of their medical insurance ancillary claims arbitration services for neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. With thousands of emails flowing in from medical professionals across the nation, HaloMD was facing an inability to scale its operations. The solution? Email processing automation, which has given HaloMD the ability to scale up operations to handle up to 200,000 emails per month with the current system.

Prior to the deployment of this email process automation solution, HaloMD had a sizable staff that was exclusively tasked with handling tens of thousands of emails each month. 7T developed an ingestible AI engine that would allow HaloMD to process many of these emails in the following way. This desktop software platform was deployed in two versions: one for admins and the other for users.

AI reads the
content of the emails

emails are
evaluated by AI

AI-Powered Process Automation for Emails - HaloMD Ancillary Insurance Claims Arbitration Services for Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic SurgeonsAI-Powered Process Automation for Emails - HaloMD Ancillary Insurance Claims Arbitration Services for Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons

AI authors a reply
to the email

AI places email into a
workflow for review if
human interaction is required

AI automatically updates
the system of record

HaloMD’s automated email processing AI platform now handles approximately 95% of emails, with the remaining portion referred to a queue for review by a human team member. With this new AI on board, HaloMD has enhanced its efficiency by leaps and bounds. They now have the capability to scale up operations to handle 200K emails per month with their existing team members.

This is a wonderful example of an AI deployment whereby artificial intelligence does not replace humans; it simply performs a portion of the process, freeing human team members to focus on the more complex and higher-level tasks in a manner that allows for scaling business processes and improved productivity, amongst other benefits.

a game-changing AI use case with process automation

AI-Powered Process Automation for Emails - HaloMD Ancillary Insurance Claims Arbitration Services for Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons

There’s a saying, “AI won’t take your job, but somebody who’s using AI just might.”  HaloMD’s artificial intelligence-powered email process automation solution is a great example of how AI technology can be used in conjunction with an organization’s human resources to improve efficiency, boost productivity and increase profitability,

The savviest of companies are leveraging artificial intelligence technology in conjunction with its human team members, resulting in greater scalability and dramatically improved productivity.

7T Digital Transformation as a Service - Mobile App and Enterprise Software Development Dallas

a powerful ingestible AI engine with machine learning

HaloMD’s email processing automation solution leverages machine learning to “understand” the content of incoming emails, which are submitted as part of their service offering for ancillary insurance claim arbitration for neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. 7T’s developers leveraged large volumes of email content to “train” the artificial intelligence engine, teaching the platform how to process specific types of emails. This machine learning-driven AI platform can also be improved over time, as more and more emails are processed by AI.

improved scalability with an AI-driven solution

Scalability was a major concern for HaloMD, as they were at the limit of what they could handle with their current staff. 7T’s AI-powered process automation solution more than tripled the number of emails that can be effectively handled in a given month.

HaloMD went from processing 40,000 to 60,000 emails per month to as many as 200,000 emails per month without having to increase its staffing levels.

Improved Scalability With AI Process Automation for Emails

improved scalability with an AI-driven solution

Scalability was a major concern for HaloMD, as they were at the limit of what they could handle with their current staff. 7T’s AI-powered process automation solution more than tripled the number of emails that can be effectively handled in a given month.

HaloMD went from processing 40,000 to 60,000 emails per month to as many as 200,000 emails per month without having to increase its staffing levels.

boosting profitability through AI-driven process automation

AI has proven to be a game-changer for HaloMD, which is now positioned to assist with thousands of neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons who are seeking assistance with ancillary insurance claim arbitration cases.

7T’s ingestion AI engine is now processing emails with incredible efficiency, freeing HaloMD’s staff to focus on more complex email submissions and other dynamic aspects of the process. In fact, this artificial intelligence technology has positioned HaloMD to handle more than triple the original email volume, serving as a great use case for AI process automation that facilitates upscaling. 

let's begin your digital transformation

7T (also known as SevenTablets) is a Dallas Digital Transformation company, specializing in AI, machine learning and the development of cutting-edge business solutions. Beyond multimodal machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) development, we also specialize in enterprise software development, mobile app development, web app platforms, process automation, cloud solutions and DevOps, amongst others. We go beyond the role of a typical third-party service provider, taking on the role of a true business partner. 7T takes a "business first" approach to Digital Transformation, with business strategy guiding the development process. ROI is our currency as we solve hard problems with innovative Digital Transformations like machine learning-driven AI development solutions that propel clients to the next level.

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