SimplifiedHR - Client Successes with 7T Dallas AI and Software Development Company Dallas

The Encompass Group - Client Successes with 7T Dallas AI and Software Development Company Dallas

SimplifiedHR: an HR analytics software platform with
actionable, data-driven insights

7T developed SimplifiedHR, a mobile-friendly AI HR software platform that delivers multi-modal machine learning-powered artificial intelligence technology to generate important HR analytics and insights. This includes employee retention data, “fires and hires” info and employee satisfaction scores, amongst other data.

SimplifiedHR was developed to replace the annual reviews that were previously in place. While insightful, these yearly HR reviews represented a single data point and thus, they were of limited use. This meant that an organization could opt to implement changes in response to the annual review’s findings, but they would need to wait the better part of a year to obtain crucial data — data that would indicate an initiative’s success or failure.

This client sought a platform that would include a number of capabilities and features, including the following:

• AI-driven employee retention;

• Actionable Insights with HR data;

• HR data to empower data-driven decision-making;

• “Fires and hires” data;

• Employee satisfaction scores; and

• MAGIC scoring to measure HR health.

MAGIC human resources tools

SimplifiedHR features a MAGIC employee assessment system, which prompts staff to self-evaluate in several different areas.

HR MAGIC by The Encompass Group - Client Successes with 7T Dallas AI and Software Development Company Dallas

• MEANING – Is an individual finding meaning in their work? Do they feel as though they’re making a positive difference in a way that creates a sense of fulfillment?

• AUTONOMY – Does the employee feel as though they have a sense of autonomy?

• GROWTH – Is the individual experiencing growth both personally and professionally?

• IMPACT – Is the employee having a positive impact? Do they feel as though their work is meaningful?

• CONNECTION – Does the employee feel connected to the company, his / her colleagues and the work that they do?

7T Digital Transformation as a Service - Mobile App and Enterprise Software Development Dallas

using AI to maximize HR analytics and insights

The Encompass Group - Client Successes with 7T Dallas AI and Software Development Company Dallas

SimplifiedHR leverages artificial intelligence to continuously monitor a team’s “HR Health.” The platform quickly highlights factors that indicate whether a team member needs attention or, conversely, is deserving of positive recognition such as a promotion. This is achieved using more than 20 continuously-monitored data points for each team member. This includes employee surveys, which are administered to staff on a biweekly or monthly basis, as well as tenor, performance reviews, salary to market data, commute times and several other key areas that contribute to employee retention and a strong team!

The overarching goal is to drive retention, while simultaneously reducing the number of employee departures from the company. Artificial intelligence is used to classify an employee in one of three categories: “On the Move” (rising star), “Good Standing” and “Needs Attention.”

7T Digital Transformation as a Service - Mobile App and Enterprise Software Development Dallas

pairing AI analytics with actionable insights into HR health

SimplifiedHR collects data in real time, providing actionable HR AI analytics and insights for The Encompass Group’s clients — far more useful than the single annual data point that had previously been provided to each client. This data ranges from overall department health, to manager performance and info on how well employees are faring under each manager. After taking an AI-powered survey, an individual’s status is classified in one of three ways.

• On the Move – Employees in this category are rising stars, making them worthy of a closer look to ensure that they continue to succeed.

• Good Standing – An employee in good standing is content in their position and they are succeeding in terms of their workplace responsibilities.

• Needs Attention – An employee may fall into the “needs attention” category if they are struggling in their position and have not found success. This gives managers an opportunity to focus their attention on this employee in an attempt to turn the tide, maximizing their chances of success.

HR data to empower
data-driven decision making

7T’s development team was tasked with pulling data into a centralized database, giving the client access to a range of different KPIs, charts and analytics that were not previously available.

This data — which is, in part, driven by AI — is used to assign an engagement score to each employee. It’s a key metric that conveys an individual’s level of engagement within the organization.

Each client can access key metrics at a glance:

      • How many people are rising stars on the move;
      • How many employees are in good standing;
      • Which employees are underperforming;
      • How many employees need attention because they’re being overpaid or underpaid; and
      • Who has a negative view of the company?

7T’s developers created AI models that evaluate an employee’s payscale compared to the rest of the market. The SimplifiedHR platform can even highlight the employee who has a commuting issue and is considering a new job as a result. This places the employee in the “needs attention” category, allowing the organization to address and resolve the issue, thereby preventing the loss of a valuable team member.

HR data to empower
data-driven decision making

7T’s development team was tasked with pulling data into a centralized database, giving the client access to a range of different KPIs, charts and analytics that were not previously available.

This data is used to assign an engagement score to each employee, a key metric that conveys an individual’s level of engagement within the organization.

Each client can access key metrics at a glance:

      • How many people are rising stars on the move;
      • How many employees are in good standing;
      • Which employees are underperforming;
      • How many employees need attention because they’re being overpaid or underpaid; and
      • Who has a negative view of the company?

7T’s developers created AI models that evaluate an employee’s payscale compared to the rest of the market. The SimplifiedHR platform can even highlight the employee who has a commuting issue and is considering a new job as a result. This places the employee in the “needs attention” category, allowing the organization to address and resolve the issue, thereby preventing the loss of a valuable team member.

leveraging AI to generate employee satisfaction scores

One of the AI models also provides a satisfaction score for teams, departments and the company as a whole, offering valuable insights into more than just performance. The model also assigns a probability to each employee, indicating how likely it is that a given individual will leave the company within the next 12 months. The system even provides a list of reasons for each person’s score.

In cases where there is a high probability that the employee will move on to another position within the next year, the staffer is flagged so management can intervene.

HR reports and insights

Company leaders and managers also have the ability to download a variety of reports, giving them the data and insights they need to grow the business in a positive, productive manner. Some of these reports are more focused, such as data related to DEI and the impact of ongoing education initiatives.

HR Reports and Insights

Company leaders and managers also have the ability to download a variety of reports, giving them the data and insights they need to grow the business in a positive, productive manner. Some of these reports are more focused, such as data related to DEI and the impact of ongoing education initiatives.

empowerment through AI-driven HR insights and analytics

From engagement surveys, to reviews of hires, fires and attrition data, performance reviews and beyond, The Encompass Group is empowered thanks to all of the useful data that’s contained within the SimplifiedHR web portal interface. This data, collected from an organization’s human resources systems, can easily be interpreted and summarized for The Encompass Group’s clients, providing a comprehensive view with multiple data points on an organization’s HR health.

Each one of The Encompass Group’s clients is given their own data silo and that information is displayed within a private client portal. It’s the information an organization needs to make data-driven decisions in a highly-competitive business world.

let's begin your digital transformation

7T (also known as SevenTablets) is a Dallas Digital Transformation company, specializing in AI, machine learning and the development of cutting-edge business solutions. Beyond multimodal machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) development, we also specialize in enterprise software development, mobile app development, web app platforms, process automation, cloud solutions and DevOps, amongst others. We go beyond the role of a typical third-party service provider, taking on the role of a true business partner. 7T takes a "business first" approach to Digital Transformation, with business strategy guiding the development process. ROI is our currency as we solve hard problems with innovative Digital Transformations like machine learning-driven AI development solutions that propel clients to the next level.

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