An enterprise mobile development strategy is unique in a number of ways, from the mindset of the typical user to the devices that are utilized in conjunction with the application and the functionalities that are required. It’s vital that your mobile developer has a firm understanding of how and why an enterprise mobile strategy differs from others, such as B2B apps or consumer-facing B2C apps. This is particularly true if you want to create an enterprise resource planning (ERP) app, which typically requires robust and highly customized functionalities and features that are specific to your company’s day-to-day operations.
Enterprise Mobile Apps May Carry a Sharper Learning Curve
Most apps are designed so they’re relatively easy to use without any sort of training or tutorial. And for these B2B and B2C apps, this is appropriate since they must be usable by the vast majority of the population. As a result, developers generally pander to the lowest common denominator. But enterprise apps are different; it’s fair to assume that users will possess a certain minimum skill level or a higher level of knowledge and expertise. This allows for the development of an app that’s more complex and sophisticated. The development strategy may also omit elements that would generally need to be included to accommodate less advanced users.
What’s more, an enterprise has the ability to prepare tutorials or training materials for new employees and others who lack the requisite skills or knowledge. It’s not unreasonable for an enterprise-level user to undergo some degree of training prior to using the app, whereas that isn’t practical for a majority of consumer app users.
Enterprise Mobile Apps Can Leverage Useful Hardware
Enterprise mobile app developers can create an app that leverages pricey and sophisticated hardware, such as thermal imaging camera smartphone attachments, Bluetooth-equipped sensors and IoT-friendly equipment.
It’s a bit of a gamble to develop a consumer-facing mobile app (or even a B2B application) that requires additional hardware items, particularly in cases where cost is a major factor. But enterprise apps can be developed with the assumption that the company will ensure that all app users can access the required hardware or equipment.
Enterprise Mobile Apps May Not Require Extensive Device-Specific QA Testing
A consumer-facing app must be usable on a wide variety of devices, with a host of different operating system versions and other installed apps. These factors can make for a challenging and time-consuming QA testing process with dozens of variables.
When you’re building an enterprise app, however, this extensive testing may not be required since a company can ensure that all individuals utilize the same device, with a standard operating system version and a carefully-selected collection of apps. This makes for a much easier development process since the QA testers can focus on just a handful of variables instead of dozens. And addressing any problems or conflicts tends to be much easier, as you have a far lower chance of implementing a solution that causes a problem in another area.
Enterprise Mobile Development Strategies Must Consider Security
Security is often a major concern for enterprise apps, as you may be dealing with sensitive or confidential data within the application interface. This is particularly true for companies in the healthcare industry or the financial sector. Therefore, most enterprise mobile apps will include robust security and encryption measures to ensure their data remains secure. This degree of concern over security and encryption isn’t quite as common when building other types of apps, so it’s an issue that developers must be ready and willing to address when creating an enterprise application.
Each enterprise mobile app strategy is unique, so you’ll need a developer who can adapt to suit your precise needs and requirements. This is one area where we have extensive experience here at 7T, as we’ve built many apps for enterprise usage. Additionally, our development team is well-versed in all forms of emerging technology, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, predictive analytics and blockchain. As such, we’re well-positioned to integrate cutting-edge technology, giving your business a leg up on the competition.
Based in Dallas, 7T works with clients throughout Texas—including Austin and Houston—and across the United States. If you’re ready to discuss your development project, contact our team today.