What Are the Four Types of Digital Transformation?

What Are the Four Types of Digital Transformation?

In the business world, the answer to a question really depends upon whom you ask and this is especially true in the realm of digital transformation. Most would agree that digital transformation is a rather nebulous concept that serves as a catch-all for projects that leverage technology in an innovative way that propels a company forward.

But what are the four types of digital transformation? The answer will vary, but all can offer good insight that will help guide your next high-tech project.

New Enterprise Mobile App Trends for 2022

3 Enterprise Mobile App Trends for 2022

Think back to a time when employers frowned upon mobile phone usage while at work. Staff were left to sneakily glance at their screens, ringer silenced to avoid discovery. “You can’t use your phone at work,” they said. “Put away the phone,” they said.

Today, things are very different. Enterprise mobile apps are trending towards the cloud, the internet of things (IoT), the worldwide 5G network and more.

Could We Soon See the End of Passwords? - The FIDO Alliance Develops Alternative Authentication Protocol

Could We Soon See the End of Passwords? – The FIDO Alliance Develops Alternative Authentication Protocol

Passwords are a regular area of frustration for many folks. Just keeping track of your passwords is a challenge for many individuals. Many turn to keychain apps in an effort to simplify life, but even with a keychain, password resets are a common occurrence. Then you’re tasked with coming up with a new password that you’ve not used previously — something you will never remember — which leads to a repeating cycle of password resets down the road.

Messenger Mobile App Market Expected to Grow by 3.9% in 2022

Messaging Mobile App Market Projected to Grow by 3.9% in 2022

Worldwide, the messaging app market is expected to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.9%, driven by factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent rise in popularity of remote work. What’s more, it’s predicted that we will see the messaging app market sector grow from $313,600 million in 2021 to $409,900 million in 2028.

Google Halts Cross-App Tracking on Android Devices and What it Means for Users

Google recently announced its plans to discontinue the practice of tracking users on Android smartphones and tablets. The move comes as increasingly savvy users move away from platforms and apps that collect their data — sometimes covertly.

Google’s latest move comes on the heels of a similar initiative that was introduced by Apple in 2021. These new privacy restrictions are specifically related to user data that is collected for the purpose of more targeted advertising. Privacy concerns abound, this data is often collected in a discreet, covert manner without the user’s knowledge and consent.

Do I Need an IT Crisis Response Team?

Does Your Business Need an IT Crisis Response Team?

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has dramatically increased the threat of cyberwar, prompting many organizations to reconsider their protocols, technology and the security measures that are in place to protect digital assets and networks (among other things.)
A robust, well-designed security strategy is a good start, but when a problem arises, an IT crisis response team will play a critical role. So if you are wondering, “Does my business really need an IT crisis response team?” the answer is “yes, absolutely.”